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Overall Star Rating:
Currently Good

The Overall Star Rating from the Department of Health and Aged Care is a combination of four elements being Compliance, Quality Measures, Residents’ Experience and Staffing. Star Ratings are displayed on the My Aged Care website through the “Find a provider” tool and supported by a range of simple information for older Australians and their representatives. The four categories, using a complex algorithm are combined to give an overall rating. 

Residents Experience:
Currently Good

This is calculated after an external group has surveyed 10% of our residents, or their families, using a standard questionnaire of 12 questions. This is done annually. Of the 12 questions, 11 scored Always or Most of the Time above 82% or better, with 9 of them above 94% or better. Question 8, Do you like the food here 13% scored Never. Our Catering Services Manager and Head Chef undertake daily checks with residents and respond to individual residents’ concerns. We report this information internally monthly. We also change our menu when we receive feedback that residents do not like particular food.  This remails a work in progress.

Currently Excellent

The rating of Excellent means that we have a strong history of compliance with both Reaccreditation Audits and Unannounced Visits from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. At our last Reaccreditation Audit in September 2022, we met all 8 Standards and 42 Outcomes. We also have not had any complaints made about the service in the last 3 years.  

Currently Acceptable

As of 1st of October we are required to have a Registered Nurse on site 24/7. We have complied with this for over 20 years. We are also required to provide a minimum of 40 minutes Registered Nurse, and 206 minutes of Care Staff time per resident per day. We currently are providing 42 minutes and 202 minutes respectively, which is slightly below the overall target.


However, to achieve a 5 Star Rating would require us to provide 15% more Registered Nurse time and 25% more Care Staff time than we are required to do so clinically. The expenditure to meet this target is not financially viable or sustainable. Additionally our Compliance Rating of 5 Stars and Excellent indicates that it is not necessary.   

Quality Measures :
Currently Excellent

This Outcome measure is a combination of the following data sets that are reported Quarterly to the Department of Health and Aged Care as part of the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program: Pressure injuries, Physical restraint, Unplanned weight loss, Falls and major injury - falls, Falls and major injury – major injuries, Medication management – polypharmacy and Medication management – antipsychotics.

Overall, we are better, or equal to, the National Average for all 7 categories except Physical restraint. This category includes all of the 20 residents in our Dementia Specific Unit who have a secure environment to minimise the risk of injury to them should they decide to wander out of the facility. It also currently includes any resident who has a bed rail for either safety or bed mobility. 

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