Service Philosophy
We value early childhood education as the foundation for lifelong learning. We believe that each child is a unique individual and should be viewed, respected, and treated as such. As the welfare and wellbeing of each child is paramount, we strive to provide holistic support of the child’s exclusive requirements and interests in a nurturing, familial environment that fosters the child’s development across all developmental domains. Through our social and physical environment, we welcome and include all, and seek to create a sense of belonging in our centre community. We celebrate the diversity and multicultural nature of the community in which we live and acknowledge the original custodians of this land and the Darug nation, on whose land we now stand, and we pay our respects to the Elders past, present, and emerging.
Miss Arshia added that “Welcome to the country song is foundation of our morning group time which children and staff are starting to sing confidently. Our foyer set up reflects on the Aboriginal community as well as other cultures”. Our staff team reflects a diversity of education, training, and life experience, as well as a range of multicultural backgrounds and languages. This supports children as they settle and build relationships, feeling a sense of belonging. Our families also reflect a range of multicultural backgrounds and languages. This diversity enriches the life of our service, and we strive to reflect this diversity throughout the centre, as well as in our programming and daily experiences we provide for the children. Miss Harleen added that : “It is true that we have multiculturalism in our centre and we show respect to each culture” .

We provide safe, caring, and inclusive indoor and outdoor environments for children that:
ensures each child feels a sense of belonging. Recognises their unique individuality. Stimulates, challenges, and encourages children's holistic development. Engenders a life-long love of learning. Facilitates their cooperation and active involvement. Fosters their independence, resilience, and self-confidence. Miss Amrit believes that “We provide the experience according to child’s age level because they can learn through play”.

We believe that childhood should be filled with fun, happiness, and laughter. Our educational approach is one of play-based learning, in which children can spend time playing and developing learning dispositions including: exploration, imagination, experimentation, curiosity, and risk-taking. We encourage children to engage in their natural environment, learning about respect, sustainability, and the benefits of a connectedness with nature. By allowing children time to take pleasure in the present moment, we support and encourage children's sense of being. The Early Years Learning Framework supports play-based learning and guides our program and our decision making and underpins our daily practices.
Our educational programs are reflective of emergent curriculum and adhere to guidelines set by ACECQA, National Quality Framework and The Early Years Learning Framework, taking the child’s developmental level into account. Our programs are completed and implemented daily. Experiences at the centre afford children the opportunity to develop a plethora of skills in exploration, self-discovery, social interactions, and problem solving among others, in the overall attempt to set the children up for success. Educators at the Holy Family Children’s Centre complete learning stories while observing the children and share these with parents and guardians upon completion. See children as unique in their own way and support their individuality through inclusion and respect of all individuals in the community. Recognise, support, and advocate the rights of all children, frequently listening to their voices and feelings. Become co learners with children, following children’s ideas and valuing their knowledge.
As educators focus on the experiences of the ‘whole’ child, there is a large emphasis placed on nutrition and foods provided for the children on a daily basis. Mealtimes at the Holy Family Service are presented to the children in such a way that classifies them as an educational tool. Carefully planned and prepared menus align with guidelines for daily recommended intakes of the food groups, specifically referring to the needs of children. Our menus are reflective of cultural diversity and exposure and are respectful of preferences, allergies, and intolerances of the children. All food prepared for the children is fresh and prepared by our formally qualified cook. Children are encouraged to practice self-service of meals during these social experiences as a means of preparing them for their future. Mealtimes are integrated with other key learning areas such as dental hygiene. Child’s voice : Avana said: “ I am making a pizza”. Agrim said : “Fruit are healthy , I like apple” , Aylah “I drink Juice” , Lucas “I am eating toast” and Darcy said “ I am drinking milk, I have strong muscles” . Yohanna said: “ I love all the fruits”, Timothy “ I am eating cucumber , I will be very strong”.

Staff at the Holy Family Early Learning Centre are dedicated professionals that value the importance of maintaining an optimum level of care and education for all children. It is of significance to highlight the fact that all staff working with children have obtained formal qualifications in the field of early childhood. Independent of the qualification that they hold, the staff are consistently developing and refining their professional practices, attending additional training to keep abreast with and effectively address evolving issues within the setting. Miss Ranjini added that : “By valuing the importance of maintaining and optimum level of care and education for all children, the educators including myself are consistently developing and refining our professional practices through training sessions during the year”.

Staff strictly abide by a specialised code of ethics, ensuring that duty of care is successfully always honoured. Additionally, we draw importance to the advantageous staff-child ratios delivered at the Holy Family . The staff firmly adhere to staff-child ratios for all age groups in accordance with regulations. We place an extremely high value and importance on partnerships as a means of developing the best possible environment for children. Partnerships with families provide us with invaluable information relating to cultural backgrounds and heritage. Carers strive to build relationships with families based on co-operation and a mutual respect for the reciprocal roles that each play in the lives of the child. Partnerships with families are developed through daily discussion, newsletters, and meetings. Moreover, Miss Arshia believes that“ Educators and parent’s collaborative partnerships affects a child’s holistic wellbeing. Previously, we used to send developmental goal forms to be focused on the period of three months on appcessment, but this year after reflecting as a team ,we decided to have a verbal discussion when suitable to parents in a relaxed way and help them decide goals for their child to work.
The Holy Family ’s open door policy aims to facilitate an open flow of communication while maintaining confidentiality and respect of the privacy and wishes of each family, resulting in the highest levels of customer service.
Partnerships with industry professionals assist staff development and expansion of the curriculum to meet the individual and collective needs of all children. Needs based on cultural identity, additional support education and medical interventions which all require greater individual knowledge and supported cooperative teams, assures all children are facilitated in an inclusive environment as best as possible.
We believe that early childhood is a celebration of learning and honour of diversity that when valued and nurtured appropriately, fosters individuals that can positively contribute to their community and the greater society.

Centre Goals
To provide a warm, safe, caring, stimulating, and fun learning environment that:
meets the individual developmental needs of each child is one in which children, families and educators feel that they belong and is representative of the wider community.
We provide a curriculum that encourages curiosity, imagination, and investigation.
The program fosters: personal and social development, gross motor and physical development, cognitive and memory skills, fine motor and coordination skills, creative and imaginative skills, and language and intellectual development.
For educators to provide a curriculum based on the Early Years Learning Framework in partnership with children and families, that takes into account every child’s ability and strength.
fosters their natural curiosity; and encourages them to participate in a lifelong journey of learning.
A multicultural and anti-bias curriculum is included in the program, in which all children are treated as equals regardless of gender, race and abilities.
For children, educators, and families to learn to respect the differences in each other, to value the diversity of every culture within the centre and wider community, and to share traditions with respect and appreciation.
For educators to:
work as a team;
Educators will always interact with children in a positive, friendly, and nurturing environment.
to value and respect, each other with guidance, ongoing support, and encouragement to reach their potential.
and contribute equally to create a cohesive environment that reflects a sense of being, belonging and becoming.
carefully listen, observe, and document children’s work in their classroom.
work together as a positive supportive and collaborative team.
connecting to and respecting our natural environment.
role modelling sustainable practices; and sharing and gaining knowledge with our families, local and wider community.
We value families as the first teachers of children, and therefore will encourage, communicate, and facilitate their participation and involvement in their child’s learning journey within the centre’s environment.
National Quality Standards
Research has shown a child’s experience in their first five years sets the course for the rest of their life. To provide children with the best possible start to their education, the Australian Government in partnership with all states and territories has introduced the National Quality Framework to ensure high quality and consistent early childhood education and care across Australia.
Holy Family has embraced this child care education framework and introduced its seven key areas which focus on:
• Educational program and practice; QA 1.
• Child’s health and safety; QA2.
• Physical environment; QA3.
• Staffing arrangements; QA4.
• Relationships with children; QA5.
• Collaborative partnerships with families and communities; QA6.
• Governance and leadership QA7
Holy Family has not only adhered to this framework well ahead of the necessary timeframes, but we are constantly seeking ways to improve our programs to ensure we deliver a quality of education that exceeds the standards and sets a benchmark for the industry . For more information on the National Quality Framework please visit acecqa.gov.au/national-quality-framework
The curriculum planned at Holy Family appreciates and reflects the interests, uniqueness, and the developmental needs of all children in the centre, whilst maintaining a high level of care and professionalism.
High quality security.
Air conditioned- open learning spaces.
A smoke-free environment.
interested based learning- emergent curriculum.
developmentally appropriate experiences and activities.
highly qualified and experiences Educators and Director.
high quality programming and supervision.
exceeding rating service.
Menu set by a certified paediatric Dietician.
Shade cloth areas for all weather protection.
Parking facilities.